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Imaginarium: Young Adults

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Young adults have a lot to bring to the table.

Young adult attendance in the church has been on a downward trajectory for quite some time and between the COVID-19 pandemic and socio-political tensions, we’re seeing record rates of pastors resigning too. You may be thinking that this is a very strange time to try to strengthen local church ministry with young adults. Are we just bolstering a sinking ship? Shouldn’t we first get our own house in order before inviting others in? 


We believe this is actually the perfect time for congregations to engage young adults. But rather than inviting them to a table that’s already been set, it's time to ask them to help prepare the meal.


In January 2023, the Imaginarium launched the Young Adult Innovation Hub to partner with congregations to develop relationships, construct spaces, and offer opportunities to engage and empower young adults in transformational ministry. 


Here's how it works: 


Phase One: $500 

We will grant $500 to 30 churches eager to partner with young adults to find fresh ways to love God and neighbor. 


Once you get the money, it's time to spend it! This is the perfect opportunity to do something fast, fun, and creative. 


When the project is over, send us three photos with three captions that showcase how you spent the money and what you learned. 


Phase Two: $1,000 

Are you up for more? In phase two, we will grant $1,000 to 10 churches eager to continue their efforts to engage and empower young adults in their communities.


It's the same routine as last time: get the money, partner with young adults, and spend it! When you're done with your project, send us three photos and captions so we can see how you implemented your project. 


Optional: Apply to become a Young Adult Innovation Hub Fellow. Click here to learn more. 


Phase Three: $15,000 

In the final phase, we will select 6 churches to serve as Young Adult Innovation Hub Fellows. We'll fly a team from each church down to Orlando for a week of guided scheming and dreaming about what you might do with a $15,000 grant.


Next, we'll help you host a DIY retreat to help keep your project moving along. 


When you're done, we'll bring you to Indiana Wesleyan University for a Story Slam to share what happened with others. 


January 16:

Phase #1 application deadline


January 23:

Phase #1 grantees announced (15 churches) to receive $500 grants


March 31:

Phase #1 project updates due


April 5:

Phase #2 grantees announced (10 churches) to receive $1,000 grants 


May 31

Phase #2 project updates and Fellows applications due


June 6:

Fellows announced (6 churches) to attend Hatchathon


June 30:

Hatchathon registration deadline


October 7-11:

Hatchathon in Orlando, Florida


November 21:

Phase #3 proposals due 


Let's talk about ministry with young adults

Read recent reflections and stories highlighting effective and meaningful ministry models with young adults. Click the images below to be inspired. 

Are you a current grantee? 

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